At any rate, you have to be of a certain age to remember the old Hertz-Avis rivalry.
We Try Harder versus the People falling out of the air into their rental car.
Not that we expect them to take any more notice than Hertz did, but in Blognet News' current rating of Delaware political blogs we find this interesting stat:
Blogs ranked by BNN Influence
1. Delaware Liberal
2. Delaware Libertarian
Blogs ranked by Authority Measures
1. The Colossus of Rhodey
2. Delaware Liberal
3. Delaware Libertarian
These rating fluctuate rapidly, depending on posts and traffic and the whims of a particular week. You can also follow which blogs lead in the Conservative or Liberal categories.
So for truth-in-advertisig purposes you can check the new widget down along the left side of the page, where we'll keep our number as it rises or falls.
Thanks, Tyler, Brian, and Mat--but especially thanks to all of you who stop by on a regular basis and link when you find something interesting.