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WomenCount: Hillary Clinton is not going anywhere, soon!?

. . . at least if the new PAC WomenCount has anything to say about it.

The problem for Senator Barack Obama is not necessarily race vs gender, but the passion that Hillary has somehow instilled in her supporters. I was particularly struck by this comment at Crack the Bell, which managed to compare the 2008 Democratic National Committee favoring Obama to the 2000 Supreme Court handing Florida to Dubya:

The WomenCount PAC had a wonderful article in the USA Today paper regarding the representation of we the people, the voters. It expressed my thoughts exactly. I am so disappointed in the DNC, that they would interrupt democracy in such a historic race.

First we had the Supreme Court deciding our election in 2000 and now the news media and the DNC are deciding the election in 2008. I am very disallusioned with this whole process. I truly believe the popular vote should decide a candidacy, in an election, not the delegates or superdelegates. Because the DNC has made such a mess of this primary, I am seriously considering becoming an independent. I am completely disgusted with the way Hillary has been treated throughout this whole process. I never thought I would say that Fox News is the only station that has been non partisan during this election.

I am sorry to say I voted for Howard Dean and John Kerry in former races, but I do not intend to vote for Mr. Obama under any circumstances because I will not let the DNC and the news media influence my decision. This election along with the 2000 election has been the most dishonest I have ever seen.

WomenCount was organized by San Francisco clothing millionaire and Clintonista Susie Tompkins Buell [shown in photo with Hillary].

Then--I guess as sort of an answer to's, which has this posted:

Participants in Walk A Mile In Our Shoes ask that the DNC acknowledge and act on:

1. Voters Rights
The DNC has a duty to support voter's rights for Florida and Michigan. We request that the DNC enfranchise the voters of MI and FL, who did not agree to give up their right for their votes to be counted. Please fully seat our MI & FL delegates. When the actions or decisions of a few individuals, regardless of their official roles can strip the citizens of the right to have cast votes counted - then we no longer live in a democracy.

2. Women & Families are Significant to the Democratic Party - Don't underestimate us!
The estimates of votes of caucus states disproportionately disenfranchised women, working Americans, families with children, the elderly, and others in Senator Clinton's significant supporters. Don't underestimate the importance of women, working Americans, families, the elderly, and others. We are concerned that the Democratic Party is walking away from us, from most of America.

3. The Good of the Party
It is in the Democratic Party's interest to take a clear look at Senator Clinton's phenomenal connection with the very same broad base that the party has sought to attract for decades. Don't walk away from the winning base! We are most of America! We are most of your constituents. Senator Clinton is winning the popular vote. She is winning the base we must have. She will win the general election.

I have yet to find out who is behind this one.

Finally, there are excerpts from this post on You Can Call Me Uppity:

As he limps closer to the finish line, I found Barack Obama's speech tonight to be very typical of the Narcissist who just can't understand why this just isn't over so he can move into the White House next week. I really think nobody has told him that there's a General Election and that nobody will be spotting him points. No caucuses either....

But this time the Fix is just too in-your-face. Florida and Michigan were blocked from re-voting by Obama and there really is no sense in denying it any longer. Obama would be out of the running if those revotes were to occur and this is not a secret. It is particularly offensive to people who live in Florida and Michigan. My good friend in Michigan has a young daughter who is horrifed. She voted for the first time in her life. She and her young friends in Michigan will not forget. Nor will their parents forget.

There also isn't a woman I know over 40 who will vote for Barack Obama. John McCain could pull a Weekend at Bernie's and we would still vote for him. Every Jew and gay/lesbian I know feels the same way. I won't even get into my Italian family. You don't have your surrogate call a dago a "Garlic Nose" and expect a vote in the end. It's a personal thing. Barack Obama and his surrogates have offended many voting blocks no matter how many ways Roland Martin spins it. Any woman who has spent some time competing in Corporate America recognizes him. Besides being sexist, his campaign has clearly hung out its bigotry laundry as well. Barack Obama also has a very noticeable disdain for people who work with their hands to make life easier for people like him: He just doesn't get how almost irreversibly offended they really are: "Mr. Obama’s aides said they were not concerned with exit polls showing that he had hemorrhaged white working-class voters". For a man who **claims** to have grown up poor, he sure has forgotten the common people....

There is far more to this anti-Obama movement as well. While the Obama camp tends to believe it's all about Hillary, for me it isn't just all about Hillary, even though it is clear that she is superior to him in every way -- and that she has been sacrificed for him in some kind of convoluted Affirmative Action way.

While The Fix all by itself is odious, it's also about him. I can't speak for everyone, but I personally don't appreciate his domestic and foreign relationships. There seems to be an endless array of greasy relationships. Just a few weeks ago, we saw Obama donate the contribution of a man named Alsammarae to charity. Alsammarae is an escapee from and Iraq prison who took refuge in Chicago, of course.

It's also offensive that Obama denies taking money from lobbyists. One look at his top ten contributors should make anyone very suspicious of his relationship with Wall Street. He has also had private fundraisers sponsored by bundling Middle Easterners of dubious character. A former PLO media person has bundled for him as well. I believe Barack Obama has a Middle East conflict of interest that could not be beneficial to America in the end. I cannot help but remember when George Bush mentioned his conflict of interest during a debate. I was horrified that this just slipped by most of America. The rest is a sad history....

Listening the the Race Card during this primary season also seems akin to some kind of Japanese water torture--the constant annoying drop of water on your forehead. People have begun to roll their eyes every time they hear it now. If this pattern continues, I suspect that white people will be racing to the polls in November just to get rid of Barack Obama. I find it amazing that his campaign doesn't realize this. White Guilt only goes so far and then White Anger kicks in at the polls. There is little doubt. The Race Card has been used deliberately in this campaign to advance the self-described "underdog" who knew exactly what he was doing at all times. You need only look to his election history in Chicago to understand that Barack Obama has no problem throwing good people under the bus for his own advancment. Nor does he have a problem doing this to people who actually championed him as a novice.

My point (and as usual I have buried one in here somewhere) is that there is a solid hard core of Clinton supporters out there who will not only vote for John McCain, but actively work against Barack Obama during the general election.

Hillary appears to disown them when she says in public that she and Obama are both committed to putting a Democrat in the White House, but frankly it is not in her best interest to see Obama win. Should Obama go down to defeat, he becomes (ala 1976) Ford to her Reagan.

That's why Hillary will not go away: she's running for president whether it be in 2008 or 2012. In typical Clinton fashion, if that requires the destruction of someone else, so be it.


Anonymous said…
yeah, Daily DEM has a clip of 'The View' where one lady says the man took it from the woman.
Clintons are in it for power not for party and don't respect the public's right to chose nor the party's process to get to November by the rules that she once endorsed
Sorry I don't have time to read thorugh the citations you have listed here but a scan tells enough of the story.

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