Here's a little honor roll of just the House Democrats who have ruled and continue ruling the Democrat roost on the Hill....and appear poised to rule it right back into political oblivion. From the WSJ: The Message of Massachusetts : A crisis is a terrible thing to exploit. George Miller; David Obey • Ed Markey of Massachusetts, first elected in 1976 , helped to ram the cap-and-tax bill through the House and has pushed relentlessly for the EPA to declare carbon a pollutant under the Clean Air Act that didn't mention carbon. • Wisconsin's David Obey, elected in 1969 , is the House Appropriations chairman who steered the $787 billion stimulus to focus on Medicaid expansion and other transfer payments that have done nothing for economic growth. • Henry Waxman, first elected in the Watergate class of 1974 , deposed John Dingell in 2008 as too moderate to run the Energy and Commerce Committee. The Hollywood liberal is co-author of the cap-and-tax vote that will cost ...