Stuff like this: We are headed for a world where most production can be done efficiently without very many people. Either smart machines will do it by themselves, or communications technology will massively raise the scale at which that the best people can practice their trade. In other words, we are headed for a new gilded age where owners of capital and labor market superstars will be producing a massive chunk of the economic pie. The exact percentage? Shall we say 90? Our politicians are, as usual, fighting the last war. It's nuts to worry about getting manufacturing jobs back, because as a first approximation, there won't be any in 10-15 years. I can think of two possible outcomes for the rest of us. One is that we are all on the dole, happily chewing qat or plugging into the Matrix of amazing alternate reality experiences available to us. The other is that we form an army of personal service providers to the ultra rich. I specialize in fingernail care, you f...