It started with the whimsical post in Third Party Watch by Steve Gordon of a three-party split in the electoral college [Libertarians in the sick yellow-green, ugh]: This led to an extremely interesting thread in Independent Political Report entitled Could Barr/Root win electoral votes? While the Gordon map was quickly (and accurately) dismissed as fantasy, the resulting conversation then evolved into what strategy should the LP presidential nominee pursue in this election ? Commenter G. E. Smith summarized the argument: Okay, so we have about four strategies identified here: 1. Swing State (try to be a “spoiler”) 2. Safe State (try to maximize votes by campaigning where it doesn’t matter) 3. “Winnable” Sate (focus resources in a few small or otherwise winnable states to get electoral votes) 4. Status Quo: Do what Libertarians have done thus far but, hopefully, better. The problem is that most Libertarians, in their concentration on message and philosophical principle, forget that aft...