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Obama is an eloquent speaker.....

I hope that senator Obama can deliver on these promises. In my fantasy land, Obama would adopt the foreign policy strategies of Ron Paul and it would make the dream ticket. These proposed economic polices are not bad, in fact many of them are what needs to be done to move the nation and our economy forward into a global world. This is one of the areas that the good Senator and I agree on, that keynsenian economics are much better that military keynesianism, now if he would do that instead of a guns and butter platform we would be in much better shape as a nation.

Love him or hate him, the one thing that Ron Paul pointed out eloquently is that it is virtually impossible to avoid national bankruptcy if you try to have have a huge military budget and social programs. So too often the left says we support social programs and the right says we support the military programs and then they wind up supporting both to the detriment of the republic and its form of government and to benefit a small social class. That was not the intent of the founders, the maximization of human liberty was, but that liberty at least in Jefferson's mind did not include the idea of a standing army at all, and did not include the idea that government needs to take care of us from cradle to grave rather that government gives the common man a fair chance to do the best he can and a level playing field to do it on. I know many libertarians are going to disagree with me on this; but the protection of labor was a central tenet of Jefferson and Lincoln's platforms. And both were disappointed when they tried to enact their policies, both were called radicals by the oligarchs for advocating a policy of equal freedoms and equal human potential. One faced down slavery and lost, the second ended slavery but died too soon to change the landscape of the business world and repeal child labor. It was this desire for cheap labor that the founders warned us mercantilists looked for, and would use any vulnerable population to accomplish. "Owing no allegiance to their own land..."

It would also save me from having to accept a job in EU or New Zealand when I want to stay in Delaware.

What amazes me, is that I get job offers from the EU, Great Britain, Argentina, Chile, China, New Zealand and Brazil almost daily; but despite applications to over 300 companies in the United States I am lucky to get a single call back or even an e-mail response. It tells me one of two things, either I cannot cut the slack in the US, or our standards are so different from every other country in the world that you would need four or five advanced degrees to get anywhere.

It shows me that somewhere there is an effective lack of understanding about the nature of living and working in a global world where we still have the chance to provide real leadership and promote fair trade and cooperation.... through our unique system of republican government and free markets that are open and transparent. Adam Smith advocated a kind of capitalism that we would not recognize today. It was basically a social activist capitalism with fair trade, reduced tariffs, and more liberty and government regulation of those with the most capital. And incentives for those with the least capital so that each person would have a chance to develop their potential and increase their share of capital and TO DO WITH AS THEY PLEASE as long as it did not harm their neighbors. Now if I were to make over 10,000.00 in one month I automatically get reported to the SEC, who refers that to the IRS who can audit me at the end of the year and take up to 45% of what I earn.

It amazes me that our citizens are forced to make these draconian choices that no citizen of virtually any other country in the post-industrial world is forced to make and that rather than solving the problems government and business have found ways to profit from the misery of the people.

That is not a successful strategy for the future.

I think if we took the approach that Adam Smith recommended, provided a standard of liberty to our people and limit the authoritarianism of our corporations and did more to work with each other instead of against each other in some Hobbesian struggle of the fittest for survival we would be a lot better off and our standards could set an example for the world. To do that we would need to change our foreign policy, exercise multilateralism, and realize the potential of a global community. We either become a 21st century Jeffersonian republic or we allow our businesses to move away and depress wages to the point where citizens here live like the people in Africa and India.

I certainly do not want us to move in that direction. We need to get government out of the market only when the capitalists are ready to share an equal stake with the citizens. Adam Smith discussed this, and said that the biggest threat to capitalism were often the overzealous greed of those with too much capital. It has been called the "Divine Right of Capital" and it needs to go the same way as the "Divine Right of Kings" if we want the people of our Republic to thrive moving into the future. I am watching the kids of Saudi Arabian Kleptocrats take places in our universities, without regard to the labor potential of our own people, and high positions in our industries without regard to developing our markets. And get preferential treatment because of both our belief in multiculturalism, and our overriding desire to reclaim capital for a CEO's golden parachute.

That cannot be good when I only have enough to eat beans and some rice, when adjunct professors make less then the manager of McDonald's, and a worker a KFC with 5 drug convictions makes more than me with a Master's a awards and certificates from three countries.

Sorry for ranting.


These proposed economic polices are not bad, in fact many of them are what needs to be done to move the nation and our economy forward into a global world.

Sorry, Brian, I've been working my way through the nuts and bolts of his economic, military, and education policies for months, and in terms of substance (I agree he is an eloquent speaker on the level of Reagan or JFK), Senator Obama's policies are a welter of pay-offs to corporate donors and an intent to move the US dramatically in the direction of State-managed capitalism.

Try examining the employment affiliations of this supposed army of small donors some time.

More to the point: how at this juncture can you trust that any position you see from Senator Obama will last even until November. He has just posited his THIRD different position on NAFTA, reversed himself on fund-raising, and has changed the details of his tax plans on his website throughout the primary season depending on the current major state he was running in.

More and more--as much as I admire him on certain social issues--Senator Obama is proving that "Change we can believe in" equates to "Changing his mind at the drop of a hat."
Drew80 said…
Sorry for reading.
Tyler Nixon said…
"Senator Obama's policies are a welter of pay-offs to corporate donors and an intent to move the US dramatically in the direction of State-managed capitalism."

A-f'in-men, Steve.

Those of us who hope for change know change won't come from hype disguised as hope.

The good Senator from Illinois is almost purely a fictional product of the media establishment that washes the hands of the corporate-statist establishment which chortles at the ga-ga mass following Obama like sheep.

Senator Barack Obama does not encourage the young and naive to think for themselves, but rather embodies and epitomizes a Hegelian dialectic of catch-phrased easy popular political trends mixed into a shallow highly-color-cognizant social milieu, e.g. "the historic black candidate".

Senator Obama's Democratic activist deliverers tossed aside the deeper (which ain't saying much) thinkers he routed in the primaries. Let's face it...Barack Obama makes Joe Biden look wise and judicious.

Those who really stood for what Obama claims to stand for (or what Obama would have us referentially intuit he stands for) know that he stood silent while those who really represent this view were made mockery and tossed (Kucinich, Gravel).

I don't want a president who is a "product", especially not of a corporate-media-politico echo chamber or of transient political times.

I want a president whose leadership best articulates by ACTION the only principles we can share for all time. JFK did. MLK did. RFK did. A few still do. Senator Obama does not.

He may represent himself, or be represented to the masses, as this but my assessment is that he operates in the world of pragmatism and power alone. Principle and sacrifice never entered the equation, but are built-in props we are led to accept as true.

I will support a person of genuine demonstrations of sacrifice for princuple versus one of false manipulative opportunism for advantage, every time.
Brian said…
I knew that would get a response. Lol.

I do not agree with many of Senator Obama's positions (especially foreign policy, monetray policy, "reform").... I wanted to see what the reaction would be to posting this.... At the same time, I do not completely disagree with Keynesian economics and historically the democrats have been better at that than the Republicans. In fact, neither is an ideal system, neither can really produce the consitutional system.

I would like at some point to take an issue by issue discussion so we can parse out the McCain and Obama's platforms.
Anonymous said…
I agree with you that Obama is an eloquent speaker. Frankly, with all the back-and-forth about whether Barr will take votes from McCain, I think it makes no difference because I suspect Obama will win by a landslide. He is everything McCain and Barr are not: young, dynamic, eloquent, and charismatic. Furthermore, a lot of people (including Republicans) simply will not vote for another Republican presidential candidate at this point, thanks to Bush.

I'm not saying I support Obama, obviously, but I do think no other candidate stands a chance against him, and therefore the belief that Barr will become a spoiler will be proven untrue.

Of course, I could be wrong.

Good luck with the job hunt, by the way. The economy is so bad right now, thanks to Bush, that it seems many very well-educated and well-qualified people have fallen upon hard times.
I fully match with whatever thing you have written.

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