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Is it really murder if you didn't believe the victim was even human?

I can't quote the citation, but I remember reading a major historian in graduate school who argued that--by German law--the Nazis actually committed no crime by executing genocide against the Jews, because their legal structure (and culture) had reached the point where Jews were no longer considered human beings.

Sort of like the same legal logic used in the Dredd Scott decision in 1856--that the slave Dredd Scott could not be freed by the US Supreme Court, because as property and therefore legally not a person he lacked standing to bring suit in the courts.

Or like killing a transgendered human being.

From Feministe:

A man named Steve McMillian apparently stabbed Sanesha Stewart to death on Saturday morning. Who was she? She lived in the Bronx. She was tall and femme and well-liked by her neighbors. She was a client at the law project where I volunteer, but I never met her myself. Some of my colleagues helped her get her name legally changed more than a year ago. None of the above mattered at all to the news media, which handled this tragedy with the appropriate combination of sensitivity, respect for the victim, and a very cold eye for the man who the police dragged from her apartment, covered in her blood.

Oh no… wait one second and back up. There was no respect and no cold eye, none at all. I must be imagining some completely different universe where young trans women of color aren’t automatically treated like human trash. Where we all live, business as usual is to make a lot of comments about what the murder victim dressed like and looked like, reveal what her name was before she changed it, automatically assume she’s getting paid for sex, and to make excuses for the alleged killer.

And please note: “Cops: Ex-con slays Bronx transsexual ‘hooker’” is not the original headline of this NY Daily News article. The original one was “Fooled john stabbed Bronx tranny,” until pressure from the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation got them to change it.

Questioning Transphobia has a succinct analysis of the relevant issues:

Sanesha Stewart was a woman of color, so naturally the press portrays her as a prostitute (even if her neighbors do not). Naturally the press portrays her as a “man who dressed like a woman” (even though she’s not a man). Naturally, the press focuses on her height and the specific kinds of clothes she chose to wore (because she supposedly didn’t look like a woman, even though she was one, because her appearance is somehow relevant to the fact that she was stabbed to death). Naturally, the press gives her birth name because that’s totally relevant to the fact that she was murdered. And, naturally, the press implies that she was asking for it for daring to be trans and tricking a man into having sex with her - because, of course, no one would choose to have sex with a trans woman voluntarily, right? Because no one in the history of ever has knowingly had sex with a trans woman, killed her, and then used the deception excuse to get a lighter sentence, because people are stupid enough to believe that it’s okay to murder someone for violating gender boundaries?

On this one, a Libertarian has got to be a feminist, I believe.

If your body is your own property, then so is your gender identity.

If your body is your own property, then terms under which you decide to have sex are your own goddamn business.

Stabbing people to death because you're (a) disappointed, (b) upset, or (c) embarrassed about discovering that you're about to have (or already had) sex with another person whose full sexual pedigree you don't approve of is murder.

It doesn't make it one iota less murder that the victim's vagina was constructed after birth, rather than before.

However, just to make the point that I'm in the minority on this one, let's check out some of the answers to the question "How Did You React to the News of Sanesha Stewart?" at All

There's this one:

Naw ako mane thats not true. they SHOULD have to tell someone who is thinking they are about to fuck a woman that they are not a natural born woman. its not right mane

if im about to lay down with a woman im thinking im laying down with a dang woman and if that woman turns out to be a dang man imma be mad. because if i wanted a man i would have went and got a damn man.

that is a trick. not to say they are the same but if you have hiv do you not need to tell the person you are with that you have it... even if you are going to use protection. if you know there is something you have..or something you are not that other person deserves the right to make a choice. and with you not telling them you are not giving them that choice. its not fair to the other person.

And this one:

aw hell naw they called that faggot a beautiful black woman...don't care what body parts u substitute a man will never be a woman and vice versa...but to answer the reaction was nothin ...any man tryin to mock a woman in order to have sex with straight men deserves the consequences

Or this one:

I'll have to go with chi-town on this one. and to end all confusion, i really don't assign a gender to those things. can't call them a man, because no real man would do that, and can't call them a woman, because that's more or less an insult to the real beautiful women out here. so yea call them "it's" or "things" That way it saves alot of confusion

And my personal favorite:

it's not rape when you agree to do it for a price--your price was to maintain your freedom. If anything it was an act of solicitation of prostitution and not a rape. You madam were a hooker not a rape victim.

Since you asked so nicely I shall, People have been killed for far less than what this nigga got killed for. He's out there playing around with his gender and going after men that are straight. He should be fully aware that society in general is not accepting of homosexuals much less those that are representing themselves as a different gender than what they're born. He should have known the risks that were involved when you play with someone in such a manner and his death isn't tragic, it was a deserved slaying. He can now obtain fame being the transgendered peoples martyr. He's the crossdressing version of Matthew Shephard.

I don't think I have anything left to add here.


Brian Shields said…
The mass media, in their competitive search for ratings, is going to feed into the mob mentality every chance it gets. Unfortunately sensationalism pays the bills.

Let's face it, that's why laws are in place. Not everyone is going to agree the obvious point that murder is murder, no matter what the circumstances.
Brian Shields said…
Until one day someone sues for defamation and libel.... surprised that hasn't happened yet.
Anonymous said…
This just breaks my heart.

The sheer irrationality portions of our society have surrounding issues of sex and gender simply seem to have no end -- the NYDN and that hiphop site just seem to revel in their ignorance and bigotry.

The media seems to be very influential in the decisions of which lives are more valuable than others.
Anonymous said…
I'll probably be pilloried for this but....

The victim in question was playing a dangerous game. Deception or fraud in matters of sex frequently lead to murder. A jealous spouse kills an unfaithful spouse when found in flagrante delecto. Said spouse is frequently found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect (i.e. "temporary insanity"). Prostitution is illegal and unregulated. Without protection of law or codified market it is a very dangerous profession. Deceiving your clients about your "wares" as it were is unwise and dangerous. To me, this is like trying to rip off your customers when selling illegal drugs on the corner. You might get away with it but eventually someone is going to take issue with it in a pretty severe fashion.

Yes it was murder but let's not downplay the victims contribution to his/her own murder.
Maddie H said…
Anonymous, for that precious bit of victim blaming, you probably should be at least excoriated.

Even if Sanesha Stewart was a prostitute (and I don't know if she was), trans prostitutes tend to have their own spot separate from other prostitutes, and anyone who solicits them likely knows they're trans women.

Anyway, no, you're about as wrong as wrong can get. This is not justification for murder, and not revealing your entire medical history to a potential partner is not deception. That's a double standard that's apparently only applied to trans women to justify killing us. As I implied in the quote from my blog in the post above, many fall back on the trans panic defense as a way to get a lighter sentence, not because trans panic is really the reason they committed the murder. When that defense works, however, it creates a legal atmosphere in which it's acceptable and proper to murder trans women and get away with a slap on the wrist.

Steve, yeah, I'm not surprised at those comments. Similar pop up in response to every story about trans murders. Jimmy Kimmel made a joke about it when he had Rebecca Romijn-Stamos on his show and nothing came of it.

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