Or perhaps I should say, "Less of this one, please." Or how about just, "None of them. Ever again. Please....For the Love of God." Sunshine State Poll: Grayson In Trouble The latest Sunshine State/VSS poll shows controversial Democratic incumbent Alan Grayson trailing former state Senator Dan Webster by seven points, 43 percent to 36 percent. A majority of respondents -- 51 percent -- disapprove of the job that Grayson is doing. Independents have an unfavorable view of him as well, by a 36/47 margin. Grayson has ignored the conventional wisdom that a freshman should be a quiet member who carefully tends to the home fires. The latest controversy involves his " Taliban Dan " advertisement, where he explicitly compares his opponent to the Taliban, and shows a clip of Webster paraphrasing Ephesians 5:22 -- "wives, submit to your husbands." An unedited version of the clip shows that Webster was actually suggesting that husba...
Oh, sorry, you wanted the rose colored glasses version. that would be to represent all people with service to country above all.
ARMAGEDDON? - A Russian academic (Professor Igor Panarin) predicted in September 1998 that the United States will disintegrate in 2010 and will be split up into 6 parts that would be taken over by Russia, Japan, China, Mexico, Canada and the European Union. Panarin predicted that the economic decline of America would trigger a civil war by the summer of 2010
Perry Hood